Google Reveals What India Searched for The Most in 2023


Google’s 2023 report reveals India’s leading search patterns and online activity

The most popular search terms, subjects, and trends in India and globally are revealed in Google’s Year in Search 2023 report, which was just published. Millions of people use the internet, and this research offers insight into their collective interests, worries, and dreams, as well as how significant events and occurrences affect their online activity.

The survey states that “In” and “video” were the most searched terms in India in 2023, demonstrating the country’s strong need for video content. According to the report, singer Neha Kakkar and cricketer Virat Kohli were the next most-searched-for personalities in India, behind actress Kiara Advani. The patriotic action thriller “Jawan,” starring Kiara Advani and Akshay Kumar, was the most searched-for film in India. It was followed by “K.G.F: Chapter 2” and “The Kashmir Files.”

The survey also showed that Indians had a wide range of interests, from sports and entertainment to news and current events. The outcomes of the US election, the PM Kisan Yojana, the Bihar election, and the coronavirus pandemic were a few of the events that Indians searched for the most. The Indian Premier League, the Asia Cup, and the T20 World Cup were the most googled sports in India. In India, chicken biryani, modak, and paneer pasanda were the most sought-after meals.

Along with highlighting certain parallels and variances, the paper also compared search trends in India with trends worldwide. Zoom, the IPL, Kobe Bryant, election results, and coronavirus, for example, were the most googled terms worldwide. India topped the list of matches that were most popular globally, indicating that the country was also in charge of sporting trends globally.

A fascinating look into the internet habits and preferences of Indian users, as well as the impact of social, cultural, and political influences on their search habits, can be gained from the Google Year in Search 2023 study. The most popular searches across all categories will be examined in further detail and their insights on the demographics of Indian internet users in 2023 will be examined in the sections that follow.

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